Nov 06 2021 Evangelicals and Giving
Continuing our research about evangelical Protestants, learn how they give (or don't give) to both church and charity.
Continuing our research about evangelical Protestants, learn how they give (or don't give) to both church and charity.
The majority of American donors do not think of hospitals as "charities" - but the majority do think of children's hospitals as charities. Homeless shelters? Definitely charities. Museums? Universities? Private schools? Not so much...
GuideStar. CharityWatch. Wise Giving Alliance. Do charitable donors actually use charity watchdogs like these? Yes...and no.
Learn how Americans use (or don't use) social media to connect with donor-supported organizations and religious congregations.
From The Donor Mindset Study - what defines America's favorite charities?
Why do charities send you so much e-mail and mail? Because it works.
Few Christians name a faith-based organization as their favorite charity...American donors are taken with massive non-profits...and more we learned from asking Americans about their favorite charity.
Cutting through the Noise: how much mail and e-mail do donors believe they receive from non-profit organizations, and how much of it do they actually read?
While many people in the industry have started to question the overhead myth, the people giving the money still believe in it, resulting in strings-attached grants that might be holding back possible good.
Donors pay far less attention to what charities spend on overhead, administration, and fundraising than do charities and charity watchdog organizations.
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