Have a Passion
For Research That Makes A Difference.

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Articles & Studies

Social Media: Helpful or Harmful to Christianity?

Over half of American evangelicals believe social media is more harmful than helpful to Christianity in the US – but they use social media anyway.

Denominational Brand Loyalty

Fifty-seven percent of evangelical churchgoers are no more loyal to their denomination than they are to toilet paper brands. Our new report about denominational loyalty explores what churches and denominations can learn from major brands – even from Bud Light.

What Is Sin?

Is gambling a sin? What about drinking alcohol? Or is that okay, but getting drunk is sinful? Our new report asks evangelicals to define which thoughts and behaviors are sin and which are not. Then, on a couple of them, we compared beliefs and behaviors. Uh, oh…

Giving Is Down among Evangelicals

Our new report shows giving is down among evangelicals. It’s a double whammy: the proportion giving to church and/or charity declined, as did the amount donors give.

Lapsed Donors to Ministries

That donor to your ministry hasn’t given in at least 13 months, so you consider them to be lapsed. Chances are, that’s not how they see themselves. Get the Lapsed Ministry Donor Research Report, created with BBS & Associates.

Artificial Intelligence and Evangelicals

Evangelicals see both positive and negative impacts to come from artificial intelligence, but they are rather nervous about it. Request our new report to learn what they are nervous about.

Social Media: Helpful or Harmful to Christianity?

Over half of American evangelicals believe social media is more harmful than helpful to Christianity in the US – but they use social media anyway.

Denominational Brand Loyalty

Fifty-seven percent of evangelical churchgoers are no more loyal to their denomination than they are to toilet paper brands. Our new report about denominational loyalty explores what churches and denominations can learn from major brands – even from Bud Light.

What Is Sin?

Is gambling a sin? What about drinking alcohol? Or is that okay, but getting drunk is sinful? Our new report asks evangelicals to define which thoughts and behaviors are sin and which are not. Then, on a couple of them, we compared beliefs and behaviors. Uh, oh…

Giving Is Down among Evangelicals

Our new report shows giving is down among evangelicals. It’s a double whammy: the proportion giving to church and/or charity declined, as did the amount donors give.

Lapsed Donors to Ministries

That donor to your ministry hasn’t given in at least 13 months, so you consider them to be lapsed. Chances are, that’s not how they see themselves. Get the Lapsed Ministry Donor Research Report, created with BBS & Associates.

Artificial Intelligence and Evangelicals

Evangelicals see both positive and negative impacts to come from artificial intelligence, but they are rather nervous about it. Request our new report to learn what they are nervous about.

“Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen, and thinking what nobody has thought.”
– Albert Szent-Gyorgyi von Nagyrapolt