Oct 13 2016 Can Political Polls Really Be Trusted?
When political polls fail to predict the exact outcome of an election, maybe they’re not wrong…maybe we are.
When political polls fail to predict the exact outcome of an election, maybe they’re not wrong…maybe we are.
What's true and what's not true about commonly held myths regarding Christian donors?
Many assumptions about Christian donors have emerged over the years, and come to be treated as “conventional wisdom.” But how wise is it to believe something that may or may not be founded on reality?
Relatively few Americans are fully pro-life or pro-choice; most call for abortion to be legal in some situations but not in others
Most Americans are comfortable with the intersection of religion and professional sports
Most people dramatically underestimate the proportion of Protestants in the U.S., while seriously overestimating the proportions of Mormons, Muslims, and atheists/agnostics
Study shows widespread confusion and ignorance on the subject of official membership in a place of worship
How People Feel the Christian Faith Really Impacts (or Doesn’t Impact) America
It’s easy to label population groups such as “liberals” or “evangelicals” or “affluent.” But to assume members of those groups are all the same is a huge mistake, as is failing to know exactly how those groups are defined.
Protestant churchgoers are no more loyal to their church denomination than they are to brands of toothpaste or bathroom tissue
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