Aug 10 2020 Still More Dirty Little Secrets of Online Panels
The chance your online panel study is filled with fraudulent or disengaged respondents is 90% or higher, according to Still More Dirty Little Secrets of Online Panels.
The chance your online panel study is filled with fraudulent or disengaged respondents is 90% or higher, according to Still More Dirty Little Secrets of Online Panels.
Are you comfortable with doing surveys in which up to half of the responses you’re receiving are fraudulent? Or in which you’re getting a heavily biased group of respondents?
It’s time to take a client-centered look at your sales and marketing efforts.
Respondents are the lifeblood of the consumer insights world. Yet too many researchers don’t participate in research themselves. Isn’t that the very definition of hypocrisy?
With the drive for speed in research, are you sacrificing getting quality respondents?
The use of sliders in online surveys has become common, as researchers seek to enhance respondent engagement. The only problem is that if you’re using sliders, there’s a pretty good chance you are getting back biased data.
Using sliders in a questionnaire can bias the data you get.
Are you paying enough attention to the boring part of the research that can destroy your project?
All panels are not created equal – and here’s the evidence to prove it.
Yes, panel quality is often atrocious. But there are some steps we can all take to mitigate the problems.
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