Aug 10 2020 Still More Dirty Little Secrets of Online Panels
The chance your online panel study is filled with fraudulent or disengaged respondents is 90% or higher, according to Still More Dirty Little Secrets of Online Panels.
The chance your online panel study is filled with fraudulent or disengaged respondents is 90% or higher, according to Still More Dirty Little Secrets of Online Panels.
Insights clients often complain that research reports aren't helpful - and too often they're right. How do we fix this?
Are you comfortable with doing surveys in which up to half of the responses you’re receiving are fraudulent? Or in which you’re getting a heavily biased group of respondents?
Why do we ask respondents to diagnose themselves? Forget that MBA - in research, use your MD!
Respondents are the lifeblood of the consumer insights world. Yet too many researchers don’t participate in research themselves. Isn’t that the very definition of hypocrisy?
With the drive for speed in research, are you sacrificing getting quality respondents?
There are so many different techniques and approaches available to the consumer insights professional today. But have we simply lost the ability to do good research, even with all these new options?
When political polls fail to predict the exact outcome of an election, maybe they’re not wrong…maybe we are.
How can we have confidence in the future of our industry when a major research vendor has so little basic research competence?
Fortunately, Angry MR Client, Angry MR Respondent, and Angry MR Vendor seem to have faded away. Unfortunately, too often the complaints vendors and clients have about “the other side” are still there. Don’t get angry – get better. Or buy a saddle (and you’ll have to read to the end to know what that means.)
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