Mar 12 2012 How widely recognized is Tim Tebow as a religious athlete?
Tim Tebow is by far the best-known religious athlete in the U.S.; awareness is high even among people who aren’t religious and don’t follow sports
Tim Tebow is by far the best-known religious athlete in the U.S.; awareness is high even among people who aren’t religious and don’t follow sports
The Latent Religious Beliefs of Millennials
Almost half of all Americans don’t really know what an “Evangelical Christian” is, and the rest generally can’t agree on a definition
The word “evangelical” is used frequently. It appears in news stories, political pundits discuss how the evangelical vote will impact the next election (or how it impacted the last one), and Time magazine even lists the 25 most influential evangelical leaders in America.
Most Americans believe public schools are not the best option for a good education
Liberals and conservatives both want freedom of religious expression and practice
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