(For a free copy of the study Ministry Communications in a Post-COVID World, simply e-mail ron@greymatterresearch.com.)
The US is finally starting to emerge from daily infection rates, social distancing, and lockdowns, and that includes Christian ministries and the agencies that serve them.
What’s changed…if anything?
Partnering with InChrist Communications, we questioned over 100 ministry leaders, marketers, communicators, and consultants about this very topic.
What did they learn from serving through the pandemic? What strategies and methods are they prioritizing for their communication and branding efforts going forward?
Enormous Expectations, Explosive Engagements: Communications Priorities for Faith-based Organizations in a Post-COVID World serves up the perspectives, priorities, and experiences of ministry leaders. Just some of what we learned:
- One of the top priorities leaders have for their messaging is what makes their brand unique from other organizations doing similar work. Yet many leaders simultaneously struggle with what exactly an effective brand actually is – instead falling back on tactics or basic descriptions of the work they do (which is largely the same work similar organizations are doing).
- Ministry leaders crave connection with their target audiences; they want people to engage with the organization rather than just supporting it. They want two-way communication. They want their brand to be personal, relatable, and emotionally engaging (even if they’re not quite sure how to get there).
- Leaders are prioritizing emotional engagement far above rational engagement. They want to target the heart far more than the head.
- More leaders want to increase the use of events and video for reaching their target audiences than any other channels. With video, however, it’s mainly on their own organization’s website rather than on external sites or broadcast.
- While ministries and agencies may be working toward the same goals, there are some substantial differences between the two in terms of how they think it’s best to get there.
Don’t miss this opportunity to see how your peers are prioritizing their communications tactics and strategies. We’re happy to send you a copy of Ministry Communications in a Post-COVID World – just e-mail ron@greymatterresearch.com.
And we promise not to feature the words “the new normal” throughout the report.