A Different Angle
When the topic of evangelicals and Israel is covered, it’s usually from a socio-political viewpoint. Research and news reports about what evangelicals will support in the voting booth…the location of the American embassy…the Palestinian issue…
We took a different approach in our research, because evangelicals don’t view Israel exclusively through a political lens. We felt it’s important to understand how evangelical view Israel and the Jewish people from a theological standpoint, as well as a charitable one.
Theology and Charity
So Grey Matter Research and Infinity Concepts released The Jewish Connection: Evangelicals and Israel. We asked over 1,000 evangelical Protestants their views on Israel and the Jewish people theologically, as well as their charitable interests in Israel.
Evangelicals are often presented as being a homogeneous group when it comes to Israel. But we discovered that’s far from reality. Evangelicals hold a variety of theological viewpoints on this subject. In fact, they’re rather divided on whether the Jews continue to be God’s chosen people today. Only about half believe this.
And when it comes to supporting Israel and the Jewish people, only a small proportion of evangelicals prioritize doing this from a political angle. The vast majority would rather support things such as helping the needy in Israel, preserving or excavating biblical sites, helping people learn the Jewish roots of Christianity, etc.
Exploding Some Stereotypes
Our research explodes some common myths and stereotypes of evangelicals and Israel, because we examined the topic from a different angle. We also used a much more complete and nuanced definition of “evangelical” than is generally used in political studies.
Discover more in The Jewish Connection, a study of how evangelicals view Israel and the Jewish people theologically and charitably. It’s available exclusively from Grey Matter and Infinity Concepts. Just e-mail your request to ron@greymatterresearch.com and we’ll send you the free report.
What Questions Do You Have?
Also think about how research like this can address the questions you have about your own organization’s target market. What are the questions that, if you had the answers, could help make you more effective in acquiring and retaining constituents? What stereotypes and assumptions are held internally that may be misinforming key choices?
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